Jennifer Maw & Regina Smith


Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Maw
3rd Grade A-Track
Here are some helpful websites to access when we are off-track and throughout the school year! Enjoy! 

--The district website is where you can access Pearson Easy Bridge and i-Ready. You will need to login once you are there by clicking on the MyCNUSD at the top of the page and using your child's district login information. When putting in their lunch number for their user name, you need to follow it with

--Multiplication practice:
        -IXL Math - Allows students to complete 10 free problems/questions per day
-Khan Academy

--Keyboarding Skills:
-Dance Mat Typing
-Typing Club

--Cursive Practice:
-K-5 Learning cursive
-Kids zone cursive worksheets

--Reading Comprehension:
-News ELA
        -IXL ELA - Allows students to complete 10 free problem/questions per day

--This website has wonderful videos and tutorials on ALL different subjects!:
-Khan Academy